Monday, October 24, 2005


I have a black thumb, give me a plant and it will be dead within a few weeks. However I do enjoy other people's gardens. One of my favorite spots in Orlando is Leu Gardens. The following piece reflects the variety and beauty of some favorite flowers. I decided to use hexagons and arrange them to make the shape of a flower.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Glimpses of Central Florida

A local magazine sponsors "Paint the Town" every year. They invite artists to submit pieces depicting Orlando. I will be submitting "Glimpses of Central Florida" that shows little pieces of what makes Orlando what it is. This and the asian piece were fun to do, brainstorming image ideas, and then creating them.

Glimpses of the East

Several years ago I spent a year living in Asia. It was hard at times, yet it was a grand adventure that has shaped part of who I am. Rather than doing a series of paintings of Asia, I decided to do a "mini-series" that would give a feel for the richness of the culture.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

choking worries

Sometimes it's easier for me to express my feelings visually, than in words. Here I was processing while painting how hope feels at time. I want to hope but the circumstances of life come in loud and dark, and threatening my view, my hope. There are still glimmers even in the darkest times, yet I long to break free, to not let my circumstances dictate how I feel, to see what's unseen, to see God's purpose, which I believe to be overarchingly good, in my day. Having hope, having a whole heart is a battle.