Monday, June 25, 2007


Isaiah 49:15-16 "Can a women forget her nursing child, and have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you. Behold I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands..." Just before this passage Israel is saying that God will forget them, and this is the assurance he give them. It's become more personal to me now that I have children. I was trying to portray here the tenderness between mother and child. God's feelings towards us surpass this tender relationship. The mother and child are placed in 'God's hands' to remind us that we are not alone, he is thinking of us. Over and over again in Isaiah it talks about the imagry of God holding our hand, being with us...

Monday, June 04, 2007

Broken but Beautiful

I heard this phrase in a song several months ago and it stuck with me. I'd been feeling broken but not particularly beautiful. I didn't like the feeling, still don't, but I think God is fine with us being broken, with our feelings of desperation. It's there that we know we need more than ourselves, we need him, and he can make the brokenness beautiful. So I had the phrase but wondered how to portray it and a broken vase came to mind. It's back together, not perfect, but useful, beautiful and what it contains is beautiful. I used different papers along with oil pastels for the piece. I was almost done, had the vase, window and table done but it looked unfinished. It needed something else on the table, and I wondered what I would put there. I wanted something that would show what brings about the brokenness. It came to me that my kids while a source of great joy, are also a great challenge to me. I often feel that I'm just not enough. Again I don't like it but realizing that God is ok with that feelings and wants me to turn to him. Hope you enjoy the piece.

Little Econ Trail

Here is a pastel of the Little Econ Trail in Orlando. We enjoyed biking along the river and I noticed the beautiful purple water flowers.