This past summer I saw Chris Tomlin in concert. He sings a version of "Amazing Grace" that has a different chorus:
"My chains are gone/ I've been set free/ My God, my Savior has ransomed me/ And like a flood His mercy reigns/ Unending love, Amazing grace" Those words resonated in my mind, such powerful imagery. In my mind I saw someone who was being washed clean, rain coming down, chains having fallen off. This painting proved a challenge. The intention was to show rain washing over her, but it was not working well with my chosen medium. I added the window later as well as the background needed something more. I was trying to explain what the painting was about to my daughter, who is almost 3. A hard concept, that Jesus sets us free from our slavery to give in to selfish impulses, and frees us to be who he wants us to be. My prayer is to understand this more fully and live this truth.