I love doing landscapes. They show beauty, they are neutral, forgiving. But this past year I felt God calling me to venture out and do something other than landscapes. I was scared, I didn’t know what I would draw, and what if I failed. What if I couldn’t translate ideas in my head to pastel on paper? I finally got up the courage a few months ago to go ahead and try. I gave myself the freedom to fail, the freedom to portray concepts. It’s an ongoing series that I share with you, and I’m loving it!
My son is almost starting to walk, he crawls like a pro, and will stand and take steps if he is holding onto something solid. The phrase “walking by faith” keep popping up in my head. I thought how God will help us to walk by faith, he will hold our hand as needed and cheers with each new step we take. That’s what I wanted to portray, a baby who is taking those first steps, learning he can do it and daddy is nearby.
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