I'm a product of our gotta have it now culture, I do not enjoy waiting. However there are plenty of examples in the Bible where God is in no hurry. Moses spends years in the dessert after the burning bush and before he tells Moses to let my people go. Then once free they still spend 40 years in the wilderness before going to the promise land. Jesus goes to the dessert. Even Paul has a period of waiting after his encounter with Jesus. A book I'm reading talks more about God's redeeming purposes in waiting. She uses the imagery of a caterpillar waiting in the cocoon to be transformed into a butterfly. That's the inspiration for this piece. Waiting in a time of winter for the time to emerge for the cocoon with wings!
This painting undid me.
So many winters of aching, longing, and mystery are captured in your art. You have a gift, my friend!
this is beautiful beautiful beautiful... if you ever do prints of this one...
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